viernes, noviembre 25, 2005

Enchulame la cicla

Hagan algo con esa monareta que todavia tienen en la casa.

Y TONELADAS de videos de Bjork. Ya saben, clic derecho y "save as"...

Y para rematar un iceberg cantante...

La cinta de hoy no es una cinta. Es un programa: "Married With Children"... Recuerden el criterio de Al para las peliculas:

"That was a beautiful, lovely movie. I saw 22 hooters, a bunch of guys were killed, had no story at all...It had... it had everything".

Lo que opina del matrimonio:

Peggy: Oh, how about this: Four Weddings and a Funeral.
Al: That's kinda like five of the same thing, isn't it?

"This is like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Except I'm married to the giant squid".

Y las cosas que de verdad quiere:

"Peg, you can nag, you can cry, you can whinny, bleat and moo, but I am never selling the Dodge".

Y no nos olvidemos de Peggy:

"Saturday, eleven p.m.: make love. 11:05: Al goes to sleep. 11:06: Finish making love".

En este sitio hay guiones de varios capitulos...

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